Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Serious case of no mojo!

Here I sit in my wonderful craft room with 4 unfinished projects sitting in front of me waiting on me to finish them. I do not seem to have any crafting mojo going on right now. Not sure what is the problem, but it better get fixed soon. Two of the projects I have been working on for a week have been on the blogs in a similar form so I guess that makes all of us crafty people think alike! Today I will let my mind rest, but tomorrow I will make myself finish something and do a post with a craft. I need two projects for next week for our Exploring Cricut blog so I better get to it. See you tomorrow with a project ( I hope).


  1. I think we all hit a spot like this from time to time. I'm blowing mojo your way!!! :)

  2. It will happen! You haven't lost the spark!


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